May 6,2017 Saturday,Sakarya University Convention Center, Motherhood and Maternal Mental Health

Motherhood and Maternal Mental Health Symposium

#So are you well mom?

May 6, 2017

Sakarya University Convention Center

13.00-13.30: Welcome and Opening

13.30-14.20: Can I be a mother too ?

Chair: Prof Dr Atila Erol

Women with mental disorders and motherhood Prof Dr Nazan Aydın

Motherhood and and cancer Prof Dr Serhan Cevrioglu

14.30-15.20: Normal delivery is a right for every women

Chair: Prof Dr Orhan Ünal – Assoc. Prof Dr Nermin Akdemir

Fear of normal delivery: Tokophobia Dr Tuğba Mutu

Normal delivery? Cesarean ? Prof Dr Selçuk Özden

15.30-16.20 : Motherhood without stress is a right for every women

Chair: Prof Dr Selçuk Özden – Assoc. Prof Dr. M. Sühha Bostancı

Mental stress and baby Psychiatrist Dr Nalan Öztürk

Treatment of mental disorders during pregnancy Prof Dr Nazan Aydın

16.30-17.20: Postpartum period and motherhood

Chair: Prof Dr Nursan Çınar

Mother at Postpartum Period Assistant Prof Dr Hilal Uslu Yuvacı

Treatment of mental disorders during postpartum period Assoc.Prof Dr Esra Yazıcı

17.30-18.20: Breastmilk is a right for every baby

Chair: Prof Dr Serhan Cevrioğlu

Breastmilk: The unique nutrition Prof Dr Nursan Çınar

Breastfeeding and Depression Dr A. Burçin Saykan

18.20-18.30 Closing remarks