Presentations conducted during 10th International Congress of Psychopharmacology at 25-29 April 2018.
Assoc Prof Dr Esra Yazici and her colleagues conducted oral and poster presentations during 10th International Congress of Psychopharmacology and 6th International Symposium of Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology at 25-29 April 2018, Antalya, Turkey and high lightened about priority and importance of Maternal Mental Health Day.
Being a Child, Woman or Parent? What Does the Brain Tell Us?
Woman's brain vs. man's brain: how similar, how different? Esra YAZICI
Does motherhood affect the mother's brain? Gökşen YÜKSEL
Is father's brain different? Gökhan ÖZPOLAT
What happens in a child's brain while interacting with parents? Zehra TOPAL
Myths and Realities in Substance Dependence
Myths and realities in substance withdrawal Ahmet Bülent YAZICI
Myths and realities in substance dependence during perinatal period Esra YAZICI
Is food addiction a myth or a reality? Atila EROL
Myths and realities in substance dependence during adolescence Gresa ÇARKAXHIU BULUT