I have developed this disease before I overcame my baby blues and 7 months after delivery.My disease is called psychotic depression.
7 months ago, I wouldn’t have thought that I will ever be healed and will describe this period as a successful history. Now I’m fine, thank goodness. I continue to be treated with medications but I have already got better. I feel like I woke up from a terrified nightmare. My disease is called psychotic depression. I have developed this disease before I overcame my baby blues and 7 months after delivery. In a night, I suddenly experienced a serious attack accompanied by fears of death. I misinterpreted everything around me and believed that I’m going to die. After a few horrible days, the medication and the support of Dr. Nazan Aydin helped me to get better gradually. When I’m thinking of the past, I realize that I haven’t developed this disease within one night. I was exhausted because of the constant problems and disputes with my partner and I felt insulted by all the happenings around me. I believed that every TV program provided me a secret message.
For example, when I was watching the TV advertising with the slogan ‘Cleopatra is in trouble, I came to help’, I thought that a divine power came to help me. I believed that comments in news programs I watched after a dispute with my partner sent a message about us. Now that I get better and think of the past, I fortunately realize that I experienced a serious disease.
If you experience psychological problems or signs and receive a warning from your persons close to you, I advise you to seek help. Take precautions before your disease results in severe crisis. In the 7th month of my baby, I noticed that I’m suffering from this disease. I have taken my medications during the breastfeeding period however there was no harm done to my child. You can take your medication without any worries. Moreover, you shouldn’t neglect your doctor controls. After each doctor control, I felt much better thanks to the support of Dr. Nazan Aydin. My regular sleep has played an important role in my treatment success, too. People with the same or similar disease shouldn’t lose their hope and feel despair.
Thanks to our doctors and such policlinics, you aren’t alone with your disease and can be sure to that you can overcome this disease.